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What is the Sharing Economy?

We're rapidly shifting to the world of a shared economy, which is projected to grow from $15B in 2014 to over $330B in 2025.


A shared or sharing economy is an economic system in which assets or services are shared between peers or businesses for free or for a fee. The concept is to enhance the usability of assets, making their lifespan more worthwhile.


Sharing isn’t quite a new way of life. Rentable or shared goods have been around for ages, but technology and ease of connections through the digital world have boosted accessibility and convenience to users who now have a better ability to seek things out — often through apps — and obtain them easily.

Read more from Price Waterhouse Coopers HERE

What Technology is Critical?

Fundamental importance of location and mapping to a sharing economy comes from the importance of proximity of the parties, and the ad hoc matchmaking and routing matched parties together to complete the transaction.

X One’s patents describe innovative ways to map, share, and communicate location information between users by allowing temporary and dynamic data that allows real time updates.


Location Technology

Smart solutions are at the core of all that we do at X One Inc.
Ride-sharing and other such products and services based on location sharing applications on mobile devices have become ubiquitous Click below to learn more about the technology behind our core inventions.

LEARN: Our Technology

Mapping Technology

Our main goal is finding smart ways of using technology that will help build a better tomorrow for everyone, everywhere.
Our core technology enables sharing and plotting position data in real-time on updateable maps. Click below to learn more about the technology behind our core inventions.

LEARN: Our Technology

©2023 by X One, Inc.

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